
We write articles about the implementation of ESG principles for you. We bring you industry news and tips. We show you inspirations on how a pragmatic transition to sustainable business can have a positive impact on performance indicators.

Energetics bound by the laws of physics

Energy is an industry that is bound by the laws of physics, which limit it to a large extent. Unfortunately, the reality of today is a misunderstanding of basic physical principles and, what is worse, a willful disregard for them and an unwillingness to listen.

The energy sector is a long-distance race

The power system from sources to transmission, distribution and trade has grown and built over decades to deliver stable electricity to customers at the best price.

Decarbonisation spontaneous or controlled?

So I don’t know whether to rejoice or worry. Recently, information has been flying around that is difficult to evaluate its sign.

Green heating is friendly to bills and the environment

Under the brand of Green Heating ORGREZ ECO brings a new service to towns and municipalities. It will help them to reduce the carbon footprint of their heating plants by tens of percent while maintaining the production price of heat.

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We will ensure the comprehensive functioning of the Energy Community

The Czech energy sector has received legislation for the establishment of energy communities. Groups of citizens, municipalities or other communities can organise themselves within the so-called energy communities to participate in the construction of renewable energy sources and to share and consume or sell the energy produced locally among themselves. Meaningful communities will reduce energy prices, strengthen energy independence and promote the use of local, renewable energy sources.